Susan Gast | Author and blogger at Bored Boomers, Beesville Books, A New Sober You and Easy Food Dehydrating
Are there likely to be food shortages coming this year? According to the news and what's going on around the world - then yes, It's possible.
Take heed today and don't let your food pantry run dry due to food shortages caused by Pandemics and the war in Ukraine. And now Israel.
Yes, we need to be aware of what's going on around us—beyond our front door and our workplace—we need to know what's going on around the world, too!
What if we're confronted with another dire situation... would staples such as bread, canned food, and corn become increasingly hard to come by? You betcha.
In the United States, bread factories have reduced production because of rising prices in agricultural commodities such as wheat.
What will you do if this trend continues, and bread becomes scarce across the country?
Socialism: people wait for bread
Capitalism: bread waits for people
paraphrased from LibertyCliff on Twitter
people wait for bread
bread waits for people
paraphrased from
LibertyCliff on Twitter
Additionally, canned foods have come under increasing pressure and suffer from shortages. Prices for these items have risen exponentially since Covid-19 arrived, and manufacturers struggled to keep up with demand.
Granted, we're a lot better off now, as I add this in early April of 2024.
But as a result, we shoppers should stock up on canned goods - just in case - or face empty shelves when we visit our
local grocery store. I'm not saying "clear out the stores," but buy what you can and put it away.
Corn is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain and corn is a staple food in many countries. The rising demand for corn used in industrial products has caused supply chains to become strained.
As a result, it is sometimes hard to find affordable corn-based foods and other products.
There is a very real chance that food shortages will become more
common in the United States and around the world as manufacturers
struggle to keep up with demand. Things cost more. Good old "supply" and "demand" issues raise their heads.
We consumers must remain informed
and proactive and make sure we are prepared for any possible food
scarcities. By taking the necessary precautions, we can avoid potential
disruptions to our daily lives due to meal shortages. Get my free Six Simple Steps eBook and learn how to dehydrate food when it's plentiful, i.e. in season.
QUESTION: What can you do at home to help protect your family from a possible food shortage?
ANSWER: Make sure you have enough food on hand by dehydrating food when it's in season or goes on sale as a BOGO (buy one get one).
Get out of the car and scour the roadside produce stands. On the weekends? Visit the farmers' markets. There's a great one down in Fort Pierce, Florida. Live music, good food, and fun!
Don't miss out and skip buying bruised or misshapen fruits and vegetables. They all taste the same, whatever size or shape they are!
I'm really pleased that there are many organizations that deliver slightly imperfect foods directly to our doors.
Oddbox (in the UK)
There's nothing quite like the feeling of security when you know your family will be fed in times of natural disasters. Be prepared for possible food shortages coming our way...
DID YOU KNOW that the average person's pantry has only
enough food stored to get them through THREE days?
What can you personally do about it?
Get busy dehydrating food!
DID YOU KNOW that the
average person's pantry has only
enough food stored to get them
through THREE days?
What can you personally
do about it?
Get busy dehydrating food!
Get our free eBook and learn the quick Six Simple Steps on how to safely dehydrate fresh fruits 'n' veggies (and cooked meats). Not only that, you need to know how to safely store your fruit and vegetables too!
It's easy to be prepared for food shortages coming this year (or any year!) if you know how. We make checklists before going on vacation, heck, and grocery store lists, so why shouldn't we have an emergency food list?
America is TOUGH—and we CAN and WILL get through anything, but help yourself first so you're able to HELP others in a time of need.
WE CAN DO IT, America!
We need to be prepared for possible food shortages coming this year - or any year.
Hey, when you've learned how to dehydrate your garden's goodies, put your dehydrated food ingredients to the test in our easy recipes.
Be prepared to be blown away by how good these dishes taste, and how easy they are to make.
Also included in the 20 Taste-Tested Easy Recipes eBook (and Paperback) are the fresh ingredient amounts to use instead of the dehydrated food amounts listed in the recipes - when you have fresh food on-hand.
Have you ever considered growing your own fruits and veggies? I did. I started a compost bin and all. What happened? We moved house! Grrrr. If you're lucky enough to live on acreage—be it an acre or ten acres—then why not grow veggies? Plant a few fruit trees too while you're at it!
While I'm on the subject, you'll probably need a greenhouse to get your seedlings started in colder climes. Check out this super greenhouse made from recycled items! Love. It.
Suggestion: Check out Mother Earth News™️—they are a substantial source of gardening inspiration!
Thanks for taking the time to read about possible food shortages coming this year. Don't be caught without bread (and butter).
Get our Six Simple Steps TODAY.
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