Susan Gast | Author and blogger at Bored Boomers, Beesville Books, A New Sober You and Easy Food Dehydrating
If you're eager to learn how to dehydrate carrots, I'm here to help! Dehydrate whole baby carrots (takes longer), or slice them lengthwise, or in 'coins.'
By slicing as coins (or thin lengthwise cuts), you'll save on dehydrator time vs leaving them whole. That makes sense, right?
Top Question: Can carrots be dehydrated?
And the top answer is: Yes! Read how further on down the page.
How long does it take to dehydrate carrots?
It can take between 6 to 12 hours. They will crinkle up and feel a bit leathery when fully dried.
Can you dehydrate carrots for dogs?
Yes, you can dehydrate carrots to make healthy treats for dogs! Dried carrots make a nutritious snack that most dogs love. Here are some tips:
In addition to their sweet, tasty appeal for dogs, dehydrated carrots offer great nutritional value like vitamins A & K, beta carotene and potassium.
In moderation, they make an crunchy, nourishing homemade treat dogs love!
VITAMINS: Beta carotene (Vitamin A) and are a great source of Folate, and Vitamin K.
MINERALS: Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Magnesium. Trace minerals are Fluoride, Manganese, Zinc, Selenium, and Copper.
Carrots contain Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids too...
...and they give you orange hands when handling, so use those latex gloves for protection - and to keep your germs off the carrots!
Eating carrots can help regulate blood sugar levels. This is especially important for people with diabetes.
As the saying goes, "Carrots are good fer yer eyes" ... yes, carrots can also help you improve your vision. This is because they contain beta carotene (vitamin A) that's good for your eyes.
When you have finished slicing or grating, place the carrots in a
glass bowl (or any non-plastic bowl as plastic stains easily and retains odors). Spray with lemon juice, tossing
the carrots as you go to make sure they're sprayed evenly.
TIP: Use a pump top from a new unused spray bottle, pick one that fits your lemon juice bottle. Look for a bottle that has a long enough plastic tube that will reach the bottom of your lemon juice bottle.
If you don't have any lemon juice, you can choose to blanch your sliced carrots instead in a small amount of boiling water for about 3 minutes.
Spraying the carrots with lemon juice helps the carrots keep their vibrant orangeness. Blanching has the same effect. Personally, I use lemon juice - it's faster and easier!
Check out this great chef's knife with a full tang that means the handle and blade "are one" so they can't come apart when we're slicin' and a dicin'.
I know these Cutluxe Chef knives may be a little expensive, but they do last pretty much a lifetime when you maintain their cutting edges.
As an Amazon Associate, I earn commission from qualifying purchases. The price you pay does not increase. Read disclosure here.
French fry cutter, vegetable chopper, vegetable slicer cutter, potato slicer, chopper for kitchen meal prep.
A multi-function mandoline that I just couldn't resist getting!
Whichever way you slice carrots, make sure that they are pretty much the same thickness; this again helps in the drying department—they'll dry more evenly!
💡 Tip: Use our Fahrenheit to Celsius converter here on our site!
There are many different types of carrots that you can grow. Some popular varieties include the Nantes carrot, the Chantenay carrot, and the Imperator carrot.
Experiment and see what type of carrot you like best! Whatever type of carrot you end up with, the process for dehydrating them is the same.
Shredded carrots are perfect for use in carrot cake, and coleslaw.
When dehydrating carrots, I prefer to use fresh whole carrots and SLICED after peeling, but
you can use whole frozen baby carrots with great results. (Let 'em thaw first).
Remember: Baby carrots WILL take longer to dehydrate because of their size and thickness.
Frozen carrots are a great stand-in and require absolutely NO preparation aside from thawing. Why? Because when stuff is frozen, the manufacturers have prepped them for us!
Fresh carrots need peeling, then slicing—or grating, and I highly recommend a mandoline shown earlier on the page for the slicing. BE CAREFUL with a regular mandoline slicer where you hold the item... they're very sharp! Read my review of the SupMaKin mandoline.
You have a pusher that keeps your fingers away from the blade and it's a ton of fun to use!
Carrots are fairly easy to grow, but they do require some special care. For example, they need to be planted in an area that receives full sun. They also need to be watered regularly.
If you live in an area with a temperate climate, you may be able to grow carrots outdoors all year round. However, if you live in a cooler climate, you'll need to bring the plants indoors during the winter months.
As the name implies, a baby carrot is a small, young carrot. They tend to taste sweeter and have a crisper, juicier texture than 'mature' carrots. The older a carrot gets the more fibrous and starchier it becomes.
I hope you enjoyed learning how to dehydrate carrots. Try these tasty recipes below:
Check out this fantastic carrot soup recipe, either make it from fresh or dehydrated carrots.
We have a delicious Carrot Cake to share with you too!
If you want to have dehydrated carrots put away for making the carrot cake at a later date, then we suggest using the fruit roll sheets to keep the finely grated carrots from falling through the food dehydrator trays.
Learn how to rehydrate your carrots here.
Don't forget to grab your free Six Simple Steps eBook! It’s packed with tips for dehydrating everything from fruits and veggies to dog treats. Get it here.
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