How to Dehydrate Cauliflower


Susan Gast | Author and blogger at Bored Boomers, Beesville Books, A New Sober You and Easy Food Dehydrating

Ready to learn how to dehydrate cauliflower? Yes? Good! You're at the right place. It's so easy to dry cauliflower when it's in season so you can make delicious Cauliflower Soup and Cauliflower Mash any time of the year.

Cauliflower heads and a cauliflower salad in a bowl

Scroll down to the page bottom where you'll find clickable photos for both recipes!

Also, don't miss these FAQs below as you'll learn how to make Cauliflower Rice and Cauliflower Powder.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Top question: How to dehydrate cauliflower?

It's quite simple and full deets are on this page. Keep reading!

How to dehydrate cauliflower rice? (and make it!)

Here is an easy method for dehydrating riced cauliflower:


  • 1 large head cauliflower, rinsed
  • 1 tsp oil (olive, avocado, or coconut oil)


  1. Cut the cauliflower into florets and rice it by pulsing in a food processor until it resembles rice or couscous.
  2. Place the riced cauliflower into a large bowl and drizzle with oil. Toss to coat evenly.
  3. Spread the cauliflower rice in an even layer onto dehydrator trays. Make sure no pieces are overlapping.
  4. Dehydrate at 115°F for 18-24 hours, stirring occasionally, until the cauliflower is completely dried out and brittle.
  5. Store the dehydrated cauliflower rice in an airtight container in a cool, dry place for up to 1 month.
  6. To rehydrate, add 2 parts boiling water or broth to 1 part dried cauliflower rice. Let sit for 5+ minutes until tender. Use in fried rice, soup, casseroles, etc.

It makes a tasty low-carb substitute for regular rice! Experiment with added spices before dehydrating.

Can you make dehydrated cauliflower powder?

Yes, and it's a nutritious way to add cauliflower flavor and nutrients into recipes.

Here's how to make cauliflower powder:

  1. Break your cauliflower florets into smaller pieces and pulse it in a food processor into very fine crumbs or "rice".
  2. Spread the riced cauliflower evenly onto your dehydrator trays. Dehydrate at 125°F for 6-8 hours, stirring them a little occasionally.
  3. When fully dried, the cauliflower rice will be brittle and will fracture easily. Allow to cool completely.
  4. Place the dried cauliflower rice crumbs into a high-powered blender. Blend on high speed until you have a very fine powder.
  5. Sift the powder through a fine mesh sieve to remove any remaining chunks or unblended bits.
  6. Store the cauliflower powder in an airtight container like a Mason jar, or in food vacuum-sealed bags - in a cool, dry place for 2-3 months.

You now have a versatile, low-carb cauliflower powder. Use it in place of wheat flour to bread meats, add to smoothies, stir into rice dishes, sprinkle on salads, and more!

Start with 1-2 tablespoons at a time when experimenting with recipes.

Tastes Just Like Mashed Potatoes!

Add millet and quinoa to the cauliflower mash for a significant source of protein. Kids really like this cauliflower mash, as it compares favorably to 'mashed potatoes'.

Cauliflower florets add a great crunch to add texture to summer salads too!

Cauliflower Nutrition Info.

VITAMINS: Vitamins A and C, and Choline, followed by Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B6, Niacin, and Riboflavin, with trace amounts of Vitamin E, and Vitamin K.

MINERALS: Potassium, followed by Phosphorus, Calcium, and Magnesium. There are trace amounts of Selenium, Iron, Zinc, Manganese, and Fluoride.

Cauliflower contains Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.

Dehydrated Cauliflower - 2lbs from frozen

In the photo above the dehydrated cauliflower looks rather brown, but don't worry about that as it turns back to white when it's re-hydrated! Honest :-)

Dehydrated Cauliflower - 2lbs from frozen

Let Frozen Cauliflower Thaw First

Let the cauliflower thaw out (in its bag, unopened) in your kitchen sink in a bowl of tepid water if you're short on time. Otherwise, let the cauliflower bag thaw out for around an hour in your kitchen sink, unopened, then chop and put on the trays.

If thawing the frozen cauliflower by the water-in-the-bowl method, keep changing out the tepid water in the bowl until the cauliflower has thawed sufficiently for you to be able to cut (feel the pieces while they're still in the bag until they're soft enough).

This will probably take about 10 minutes. Keep on reading for how to dehydrate cauliflower on a dehydrator.

You MAY have to slice the larger cauliflower pieces in half so that the cauliflower will fit better between the food dehydrator trays.

Begin by Using a Good Sharp Knife by Cutluxe!

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I know these Cutluxe Chef knives may be a little expensive, but they do last pretty much a lifetime when you maintain their cutting edges.

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Or... treat yourself to one of these ab fab slicer/mandolines...

SUPMAKIN Slicer + Dicer Mandoline ~ OnceForAll Brand

French fry cutter, vegetable chopper, vegetable slicer cutter, potato slicer, chopper for kitchen meal prep.

A multi-function mandoline that I just couldn't resist getting!

How to Dehydrate Cauliflower the Easy Way!

Are you ready to get busy dehydrating cauliflower? Here's how:

If using frozen cauliflower, ignore steps 1 and 2.

  1. Wash and slice fresh cauliflower into 1/2" thick pieces.
  2. Blanch the cauliflower in a small amount of boiling water for a few minutes, in batches.
  3. Arrange on your food dehydrator trays, making sure the cauliflower pieces don't touch, for good air circulation.
  4. Turn on your food dehydrator and set the temperature between 125°F and 135°F(or per your food dehydrator's instructions).

💡 Tip: Use our Fahrenheit to Celsius converter here on our site!

  • Dehydrated cauliflower will be brittle when fully dried.
  • Drying time: between 6-14 hours.
  • Please remember to rotate your trays for even drying.

Try Our Recipes: Cauliflower Soup and Cauliflower Mash

Click the images to be taken to their recipes, or use these links: Cauliflower Soup and Cauliflower Mash.

Best Areas to Grow Cauliflower

Bonnie Plants has some cool tips and advice on growing cauliflower, which is a cool season crop.

white, purple, and yellow-orange cauliflower

If you're looking to add color to your garden, grow cauliflower. This striking vegetable comes in a variety of colors, including white, green, purple, and even orange.

When it comes to growing cauliflower, you'll want to make sure you have the right conditions. This vegetable prefers cool weather and needs full sun. It also requires well-drained, fertile soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0.

When planting, start your seeds indoors about four weeks before the last spring frost. Once it's time to transplant the seedlings outdoors, space them 18 inches apart in rows that are 3 feet apart. Water your cauliflower regularly, especially during dry periods. Be sure to add a layer of mulch around the plants to help retain moisture.

You'll know when your cauliflower is ready to harvest when the heads are fully formed and tight. To harvest, cut the entire plant at the base with a sharp knife.

Cauliflower is a versatile vegetable that can be enjoyed cooked or raw. Add it to salads, soups, and stews, or roast it in the oven for a delicious side dish.

How Do You Get Different Colored Cauliflower?

The color of the vegetable is determined by the presence of certain pigments in the plant.

For example, anthocyanins are responsible for the blue and purple coloration in cauliflower. These pigments are also found in other blue and purple fruits and vegetables, such as blueberries and eggplant.

Carotenoids are responsible for the orange coloration in cauliflower. These pigments are also found in other orange fruits and vegetables, such as carrots and sweet potatoes.

The white color of cauliflower is due to the absence of these pigments.

I truly hope you enjoyed learning how to dehydrate cauliflower!

Don't forget to grab your free Six Simple Steps eBook! It’s packed with tips for dehydrating everything from fruits and veggies to dog treats. Get it here.

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