
Podcast Episode 3:
Select the Right Size Oxygen Absorber


Susan Gast, founder of Easy Food Dehydrating

by: Susan Gast / Author, Blogger at Beesville Books, Bored Boomers, and a Food Dehydrating Fanatic!

Selecting the Right Size Oxygen Absorber

Oxygen Absorber Sizes Podcast, Season 2, Episode 3Podcast Created With Google's AI NotebookLM

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Hello, and welcome to Easy Food Dehydrating, the show that teaches you how to safely dehydrate and store fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables along with cooked meats. Let's get going!

Alright. Ready to dive in? Today, it's all about those, little packets that keep your dehydrated foods fresh.

Oxygen absorbers.

Yeah. Those. For, like, what seems like forever.

And to guide us on this deep dive, we have Susan Gast.

Oh, yeah. I've heard of her.

She's basically been a food dehydrating expert since 2010.


Her website, Easy Food Dehydrating, is amazing.

So helpful.

And for this deep dive, we're gonna be looking at one of her articles. Okay. Called oxygen absorber sizes.

Very important topic.

So that you can keep all those dehydrated apples or whatever it is that you're dehydrating. Strawberries.

Fresh and safe for as long as possible. Perfect. So let's just jump right in.


What are oxygen absorbers, and how do they work?

Yeah. What exactly are they before we even get into the sizing?

Well, they're these little packets. Yeah. That contain iron powder.


And, basically, when that powder comes into contact with oxygen, it starts to rust.

Oh, interesting.

And that process consumes the oxygen in the container.

So you end up with this oxygen-free environment.

So it's not just absorbing it. It's like changing it into something else.

Yeah. It's like a little self-contained rust factory.

Wow. That's fascinating.

Why is that so important for keeping food fresh? Why do we need to get rid of the oxygen?

Well, if you think about what causes food to spoil, a lot of it is because of oxidation.

Uh-huh. And then bacteria that can cause food to go bad.

Oh, right.

Those often thrive in environments with oxygen.


So by removing the oxygen, you're essentially hitting the pause button on spoilage.

Oh, I like that.

You're taking away one of the key things that those bacteria need to survive. Yeah.

And you're preventing the oxidation process that can degrade the quality of the food.

Interesting. Yeah. That makes a lot of sense.

And then, of course, Susan in her article mentions those little freshness indicator pills.

Oh, you have a little pink ones?

Yeah. So those are like your built-in quality control system.


And they'll stay pink as long as the absorber is doing its job.

But if it turns purple... Purple oh. That means that the packet has been exposed to too much air. Okay.

And it's time for a new one.


So if you're seeing purple toss it out. Yep.

Get a new one. So I think a lot of people, when they think of oxygen absorbers, they think of, like, hardcore food preservationists.


People who are dehydrating a lot of their own food.


Is that really who these are for, or is there kind of a broader application for this?

No. These are definitely not just for hardcore dehydrators.


They're great for any dry good that you wanna keep fresh for a really long time.


So that can be anything from flour, sugar, salt to, you know, nuts and seeds. Dried fruits.

Dried fruits. Yeah.

So if you're buying in bulk, it's good to have these.


So it's not just if you're dehydrating your own.


It's also if you're just buying a lot at once.


Okay. That makes a lot more sense. And like you were saying, it helps prevent, you know, weevils and all those little bugs.

Yes. Especially with flour. Flour. Yeah. That's a big problem.

So if you wanna cut down on food waste. Mhmm.

If you wanna save money and if you wanna have, like, a pantry that would make a grocery store jealous. Definitely.

You need these little packets. Exactly. They're your best friend.

That's a great way to put it.

Alright. So that makes a lot of sense.

And Susan really emphasizes that it's important to choose the right size of absorber. Okay.

For the container that you're using.

That makes sense. So it's not one-size-fits-all.

Right. You need to have enough power. Uh-huh. To actually eliminate all of the oxygen in whatever container you're using.


So let's get into the different sizes.

Okay. Let's talk about it. What are, like, the most common ones, and what are they used for?

Alright. Well, she starts with these really tiny 50cc absorbers.

Okay. 50cc. That's small.

Yeah. And those are for, like, those cute little half pint jars.


So, you know, maybe if you're storing small quantities of dried herbs or spices, things like that.

Like homemade jams and jellies.

Yeah. Those little sample jars. Cute. Exactly.

I feel like most of us, though, are dealing with slightly larger quantities of food.


What about, like, a 100cc absorbers?

So those are the workhorse size.


And Susan recommends those for our quart sized jars. Oh, yeah.

And vacuum sealer bags.

Nice. So, like, a pretty standard size.

So Exactly.

So that's kind of your go-to for everyday food storage.

I like that.

And then she also talks about 300cc absorbers.


And those are really for when you're getting serious about long-term food storage.


And she mentions using those for ten by fourteen inch Mylar bag.

Heard of those.


So those are really great because they offer an extra layer of protection. Okay.

Against things like light, moisture, and insects. Wow.

So if you really wanna make sure that your food is gonna stay fresh for years... Okay.

Mylar bags are the way to go.


Now she also mentions using 400cc absorbers with those bags as well.

So either one works?

It seems like it.


She actually has this funny little comment in the article where she says... What's that?

"I get mine off of Amazon, and they wouldn't be selling them if they didn't work."

Right. Yeah.

If they were selling something that was bad for you. Exactly. They probably wouldn't be doing that.

So I guess either one would work.

Okay. Cool. So we've got our small ones for little jars.


We've got our medium ones for quart sized jars. Mhmm.

And vacuum sealer bags, and then we've got 300 or 400.


For Mylar bags, what about those huge 2000cc absorbers I've seen?

Now those are when you are going all-out with your food storage.


So those are for those large airtight bins or buckets with lids.

So it's like real prepper mode?

Yeah. Exactly.

Like, if you're storing bulk quantities of grains. Oh, wow.

For emergency preparedness or something like that.

That's cool. Yeah.

And she really stresses how important it is that those containers are truly airtight.

Oh, why that?

Because if they're not, those absorbers are basically fighting a losing battle.

They're just working and working. Yeah. And it's not doing any good.

Right. Because oxygen is getting in.


And so she specifically mentions that those bins that have the handles that are built into the lids... Yeah.

I have one of those.

Those are often not truly airtight.

Oh, really?

So she actually recommends using feed buckets with lids.

Oh, interesting.

Because those are more reliable for creating a really airtight seal.

Ha, never would have thought of that.

Yeah. It's all about the details.

It is. Wow. Okay. I'm feeling inspired already. I'm thinking about all the things I can store.

Me too.

Alright. So before we go on, I think it's time to recap what we've learned so far.

Yeah. That's a great idea.

What are some of the key takeaways from this first part of our oxygen absorber deep dive?

Well, I think the biggest takeaway is that oxygen absorbers are essential. Yeah. For anyone who wants to keep keep their food fresh for a long time.

For sure.

They really are like tiny little superheroes battling oxidation and bacteria.

I like that. Tiny little superheroes.

And they're not just for dehydrated food.

That's a good point.

They're good for all sorts of dry goods.


And then we've also learned that you have to choose the right size absorber for the container that you're using.

Right. It's not one size fits all.

So, you know, we talked about 50cc for those small jars. Yep. A 100cc for your quart-size jars and vacuum sealer bags. Mhmm. And then 300 or 400cc for your Mylar bags.


And then those big 2000cc absorbers for large airtight bins or buckets.

That's a lot of options.

It is.

But it makes sense because there are a lot of different sizes of containers.

Exactly. And that's the important thing. Yeah. To remember that you have to have an airtight container. Right. Especially when you're using those larger absorbers.

Otherwise, what's the point?

Yeah. You're just wasting those absorbers. Totally. So air-tightness is key.


So next, we're gonna get into the nitty gritty. Yeah.

Of vacuum sealing and those superhero Mylar bags.

Sounds good.

Stay tuned for part two.


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You're going to love this. Getting Susan's book, Easy Food Dehydrating is one of the smartest things you can do for your health and your budget. Not only will you save money, but you'll know exactly what goes into your recipes. Susan's book takes you from start to finish with all the recipes on her site, including her best selling “Make Your Own Dog Food” recipes for Chicken Chow and Bow Wow Beefy Chow. Learn how to dehydrate the top 14 fruits and the top 16 vegetables, along with cooked meats such as chicken, beef, and turkey. Visit Easy Food Dehydrating and get started today.

I'm ready. So are we ready to talk vacuum sealers and Mylar bags?

Yeah. Let's get into it. What's the deal with vacuum sealing? Seems pretty straightforward.


Like suck out the air, keeps things fresh.

It is pretty simple.

Is there anything else we need to know?

Well, there are a couple of things. So you know those 100cc oxygen absorbers we talked about?


Those are the ones that Susan recommends using with vacuum-sealer bags.


So you're kinda getting, like, a double layer of protection there.

Like a one-two punch. Exactly. Get rid of most of the air and then take care of the rest with the absorber.

And here's something that a lot of people don't realize. Okay.

About vacuum sealer bags.

What's that?

It's all about those little textured bumps on one side of the bag.

Oh, yeah. Those I always thought that was just like a design thing.


They're actually really important. Oh.

For the vacuum sealing process. How so?

So, basically, those bumps create these tiny little channels. Right.

That allow the air to escape when the bag is being sealed.

So if it was smooth, it would just, like... Right. Stick together?

Exactly. The air would get trapped.

Wow. So those little bumps are like the unsung heroes of vacuum sealing.


I never would have known, so we need the bumps.

We need the bumps.

It all comes back to the details.

It does.

Susan also mentions putting the oxygen absorber in the bag before you seal it.


Is there a reason why?

Well, yeah. I mean, imagine trying to cram one of those absorbers into a bag that's already been vacuum sealed.

Oh, yeah. That would be.

It would be a nightmare.

Hard enough...

And you could puncture the bag.

Oh, right.

So just put it in first.

Makes sense.

Let it settle at the bottom.

Much easier.

And then seal the bag.

Okay. Good tip.

Okay. So let's move on to those Mylar bags. Yes. What makes them so special? Why do people love them so much for long-term storage?

Well, they are pretty amazing.


They're made from this metallized polyester film. Okay.

That's incredibly strong and durable.

So they're like?

They're like the ultimate fortress for your food.


So light, moisture, insects, none of that can get through.

So they're, like, impenetrable?

Pretty much.

Like a force field?


Okay. But she says you don't vacuum-seal Mylar bags. Right. Even though you put oxygen absorbers in them. Right. Why is that?

Because remember those little textured bumps we were talking about? Yeah. Those are essential for vacuum sealing.

Oh, okay.

Mylar bags don't have those.

So those bumps are the key. Yeah. To being able to vacuum seal something.


That's so interesting. But the oxygen absorbers still work in the Mylar bags.

Oh, yeah. Definitely.


Because those 300 or 400cc absorbers are powerful enough. Okay.

To create that oxygen-free environment all on their own.

So they're like the cleanup crew.


Awesome. And then she mentions putting those filled Mylar bags in, like, a plastic bin or a bucket. Yeah. Is that just to keep things organized?

Well, it's partly for organization. Yeah.

But it also provides an extra layer of protection against pests. Yeah.

Or, you know, if something punctures the bag accidentally.


And it also helps to protect against fluctuations in temperature and humidity.

So it's like a multilayered fortress.


Okay. So we've got our Mylar bags. Mhmm. In a bin or a bucket. Yep. With our 300 or 400cc oxygen absorber.


That's the Mylar bag setup.


And then we've got our 2000cc absorbers and our big bins or our feed buckets.


And we need to make sure those are airtight.

Airtight is key.

No handles.

Especially with those big absorbers.


Because that's where you're really storing, like... Yeah.

A lot of food.

Whole quantities.

Like a true prepper.


Alright. I have to say, I'm feeling a lot more confident about my food storage now.

Me too.

Like, I can really do this.

That's a good feeling.

It is. It's, like, empowering. It is.

To know that you can, like... Take control.

Take control and preserve your own food. Yeah. Especially if you're growing your own.


Dehydrating your own. Yeah. It's a nice feeling.

It's a great feeling.

And Susan just makes it so approachable.

She does.

Like, she's like, yeah.

Just order it off Amazon. Exactly. It'll be fine. It's not that complicated.

Yeah. She doesn't make it seem intimidating at all.

No. I like that.

It's very down to earth.


So before we move on to the last part of our deep dive... Yeah.

Let's do a quick recap of what we learned in this section about vacuum sealing and Mylar bags.


So we learned that vacuum sealing is great for short term storage. Mhmm.

Especially when you combine it with an oxygen absorber.

Like our one-two punch. Exactly. And then we learned that Mylar bags are the way to go for long term storage.

Yes. They are.

They're like the superhero of... Food storage.

Food storage. Exactly.

And then, of course, we can't forget about those airtight containers.

Yes. Airtight is key.

Whether it's a quart-sized jar or a Mylar bag or one of those big feed buckets. Mhmm. You gotta make sure that no air is getting in.


So get ready for the final part of our deep dive. Okay. Where we'll explore some of Susan's personal insights. Sounds good.

And we'll kinda reflect on what all of this means for our relationship with food.

Okay. I'm ready.

So we're back for the final part of our deep dive into oxygen absorbers and long-term food storage.

We've covered a lot of ground.

We have.

I think what I like the most about Susan's approach.. Yeah.

Is, like, those personal anecdotes and observations that she sprinkles in.

Right. It makes it feel so real.

Yeah. It's not just, like, textbook information.

Yeah. You get a sense of her personality.

Yeah. It feels like she's, like, right there with you in the kitchen.

Exactly. Like, she's talking to you.

Like, when she mentions getting your kids involved in the vacuum sealing.

Oh, yeah. That was cute.

Yeah. I love that. Turning it into a family activity.

It's such a great way to get kids interested in food and where it comes from.

And it's teaching them valuable skills.

Absolutely. Like self sufficiency and preparedness.

And then I love that little comment she makes about getting her absorbers off of Amazon.

Right. Like, they wouldn't be selling them if they didn't work.

Yeah. Exactly.

So funny.

And it's so true.

Like, Amazon has everything.

It does.

And it just makes you feel like this is something that anybody can do. Mhmm. It's not like this super specialized, complicated thing.


Anyone can order some absorbers and some Mylar bags and... And some jars.

Yeah. And some buckets.

And be on their way to having, like, a really well-stocked pantry.


So as we wrap up this deep dive, what are some of the key takeaways? What do you hope our listeners walk away with?

I think the most important thing to remember is that oxygen absorbers are essential for long-term food storage.


They're the key to creating that oxygen-free environment that's going to prevent spoilage and keep your food tasting great.

And don't forget about choosing the right size absorber.

Right. That's crucial.

You need to make sure it's powerful enough for the container you're using.


And if you're not sure... Refer back to Susan's article.

Yeah. She's got that great chart that lays it all out.

She does.

She makes it so simple. Yeah. And then vacuum sealing and those Mylar bags are like your dynamic duo for long term storage.

They are. Vacuum sealing is great for short term needs.


And then Mylar bags are, like, the ultimate protection for the long haul.

And then that little tip about dividing the oxygen absorbers into smaller portions... Oh, yeah.

That's a great one.

To keep them fresh.

Yeah. It's such a simple thing.

Such a good idea.

But it can really save you money and make your absorbers last longer.

Yeah. I'm definitely gonna be doing that.

Me too.

But I beyond all of the practical tips and tricks, what I really hope people take away from this is that... Yeah.

Food preservation can be fun... It can.

And empowering.

It is.

It's about connecting with your food and feeling confident that you can take care of yourself and your family no matter what.


So to all our listeners out there, what resonated with you the most from this deep dive?

Yeah. What sparked your curiosity? What are your goals for building your own long-term food supply?

And what delicious foods are you excited to preserve and enjoy for months or even years to come?

That's a great question.

Thanks for joining us on this deep dive into the world of oxygen absorbers and long-term food storage.

It's been fun.

Until next time. Happy preserving.


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