
Podcast Episode 4:
How to Dehydrate Fruit - Overview


Susan Gast, founder of Easy Food Dehydrating

by: Susan Gast / Author, Blogger at Beesville Books, Bored Boomers, and a Food Dehydrating Fanatic!

How to Dehydrate Fruit - Overview

How to Dehydrate Fruit ~ Overview Podcast, Season 2, Episode 4Podcast Created With Google's AI NotebookLM

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Hello, and welcome to Easy Food Dehydrating, the show that teaches you how to safely dehydrate and store fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables along with cooked meats. Let's get going!

Hey, everyone. Welcome back. Today, we're going deep on dehydrating fruit at home. It's gonna be fun.

Sounds delicious.

It really does. Our guide for this deep dive is Susan Gast's website, Easy Food Dehydrating.

Oh, yeah. I've seen that one.

Yeah. It's really great. And our mission, well - to help you dehydrate all your favorite fruits so you can enjoy them year-round.

Like having a little bit of summer anytime you want.



And I was surprised to learn there are some benefits to dehydrating over canning or freezing.

Oh, yeah. For sure. Better for locking in nutrients, actually.

That's what Susan says. Less heat, I guess.

Right. Plus, when you dehydrate, you get to control how much sugar goes in.

Good point.

And, you know, it's perfect for taking on backpacking trips too.

Alright. Super lightweight and packed with energy.

I hadn't thought about that. So Susan's website lists three ways to dehydrate: oven, dehydrator, and sun drying.

Classic options. Right?

Definitely. Let's start with the oven. Most people have ovens, so it's kind of the easiest to start with.

Yeah. But it can be a little slower, and the drying might not be as even.

Makes sense. What about dehydrators? They seem like a good investment.

Oh, yeah. If you're serious about dehydrating, a dehydrator is the way to go.

You make things much easier.

Way easier. Consistent drying, you basically just set it and forget it.

That's so convenient. Now sun drying just sounds like a lot of work.

It is a little more hands on.

Like worrying about bugs and stuff? Totally.

But it's definitely the most eco-friendly and the cheapest option.

True. No matter which method you use, there are a few tricks that can make things easier.

Oh, for sure.

Like making sure you slice the fruit evenly.

So important. Everything dries at the same rate that way.

And Susan mentions this thing called "conditioning."

Yeah. That's key for even moisture.

How's that work?

After the fruit is dried, you basically put it in a jar [or Ziploc bag] and shake it. If there's condensation, you know, some pieces need more drying.



And one question I had, can you actually dehydrate frozen fruit?

You can. Yeah. Totally. How to do. Let it thaw out first so you can slice it.

Oh, okay.

Susan even has a tip about loosening up the fruit by tossing the bag on the counter.

That's a great tip. Oh, and I read about using lemon juice on some fruits.

Ah, yes.

Apples and strawberries.

It's a great trick to prevent browning.

It's like magic?

It's actually science. The lemon juice slows down the oxidation.

Oh, so that's how it works.

Pretty cool.

That's amazing. Okay. So we've prepped our fruit. It's dehydrated. What about storage?

Airtight containers are a must.

How long does dried fruit last?

Susan says airtight containers at room temperature are good for about six months, fridge up to a year, and the freezer up to two years.

Wow. Two years. I really like using Mason jars. They're airtight, and you can see what's inside.

They look great too.

Like a little rainbow of snacks.

And speaking of sharing, did you know you can give dried fruit to your pets?

Wait. Really?

In moderation, of course.

Oh, of course. I had no idea.

A few pieces can be a nice little treat.

So we've covered why dehydrating is great, the different methods, and even some tips and storage advice.

But why should our listener even care?

That's a good question.

What's the big takeaway here?

Well, I think dehydrating is a great way to really connect with your food.

In what way?

It's about enjoying seasonal fruits all year, reducing waste, and, you know, being in control of what you eat.

It's a more mindful way of eating.

Exactly. Plus, making your own snacks is fun and rewarding.

I love that. It's not just about the food. It's about the whole process. Yeah.

It's about slowing down and appreciating where your food comes from.

I feel inspired to start dehydrating. What about you?

Absolutely. I'm thinking of starting with some apples.

They're in season right now.

I love dried apples.

Me too. And they're so versatile.

Susan has a tip about soaking them in lemon water [juice] before dehydrating browning. Smart. I'm glad we did this deep dive.

Dehydrating seems so much more approachable now. Me too. Thanks to Susan and her website.

Easy Food Dehydrating is truly a gem, and this is just the beginning.

In the next part of our deep dive, we'll be exploring all the delicious things you can do with your dehydrated fruit.

Get ready for some mouth-watering recipes.

I can't wait.

Until then, happy dehydrating everyone.

Happy dehydrating.


Sponsor Message
You're going to love this. Getting Susan's book, Easy Food Dehydrating is one of the smartest things you can do for your health and your budget. Not only will you save money, but you'll know exactly what goes into your recipes. Susan's book takes you from start to finish with all the recipes on her site, including her best selling “Make Your Own Dog Food” recipes for Chicken Chow and Bow Wow Beefy Chow. Learn how to dehydrate the top 14 fruits and the top 16 vegetables, along with cooked meats such as chicken, beef, and turkey. Visit Easy Food Dehydrating and get started today.

Okay. So we've got all this delicious dry fruit. What are we gonna do with it all?

Yes. Snacking straight from the jar is great.


But I know there's gotta be more creative ways to use it.

Oh, tons. Susan's website has so many ideas.

Like what?

Well, you can really take your trail mixes and granola bars up a notch.

Oh, yeah.

Dried cranberries, apricots, almonds.

That sounds amazing. Right.

And don't even get me started on baked goods.

Oh, baked goods with dried fruit are the best. Seriously.

Dried cherries and cookies, peaches, and a crumb cake.

Oh, yum. Oh, and what about fruit leather?

Fruit leather is a classic.

It's like healthy candy.

Exactly. Puréed fruit, dehydrated into chewy sheets.

And you can make it with any fruit.

Any fruit you like.

And it's a fun activity to do with kids.

Oh, that's a good idea.

They can help with the whole process.

I bet they'd love that.

Oh, yeah. And Susan has tons of little tips that make a big difference.

Like what?

Like cutting grapes in half before dehydrating.


I wouldn't have thought of that.

It helps them dry faster and more evenly. Wow.

These are great tips.

And she has specific advice for each fruit.

Like, what temperature to use?

Exactly. Drying times, even whether to peel the fruit or not.

It's like having a dehydrating expert right there with you. I'm realizing there's so much to learn about dehydrating.

There really is.

And it's not just about fruit.


You can dehydrate vegetables, herbs... Right...


You heard of me right? Meat. Like jerky.

Exactly. Homemade jerky.

That's amazing. I never thought about making jerky at home.

It's easier than you think. And you can control the ingredients.

No more preservatives and extra sodium. Exactly. This deep dive is really opening up a whole new world for me.

It's exciting, isn't it?

It really is. I'm really loving how sustainable dehydrating is. It is. Reducing food waste, preserving seasonal goodness, it's a win-win for everyone.

You know what I'm finding really inspiring about all this?

What's that?

It's the feeling of taking control of your food.

I know what you mean.

Knowing where it comes from, creating something unique.

That's empowering.

It really is. It's like reclaiming your kitchen.

Exactly. And it all starts with something as simple as dehydrating.

I love that. And it doesn't have to be complicated.

Nope. Not at all. Start with one fruit. Experiment with different flavors.

There's a whole community of dehydrating enthusiasts out there too.

Oh, yeah.

Tons of people sharing tips and tricks online.

It's awesome. So we've covered a lot of ground. But what's the next step for our listener?

Well, I'd recommend checking out Susan's website.

It's like a great resource.

She has specific pages for each fruit with detailed instructions.

It's super helpful.

And remember, you don't need fancy equipment to get started.

Your oven works just fine.

Exactly. Experiment with that first and see how you like it.

I like that. Start small and then go from there.

And as you explore the world of dehydrating, don't forget about vegetables and herbs.

Oh, yeah. Homemade veggie chips.

Now you're talking zucchini chips with sea salt.


The possibilities are endless.

They really are. I love how this is all about reclaiming your kitchen and having fun.

Me too. It's a culinary adventure waiting to happen.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

And that wraps up this part of our deep dive.

So we've talked about the why and the how of dehydrating fruit. Now it's time to get you dehydrating at home.

Yeah. Time to put all this knowledge into practice.

Exactly. So what's the first step for our listeners?

Well, I'd say start with one fruit. Something that really speaks to you.

Like what kind of fruit?

Whatever's in season, something you love to eat fresh.

Makes sense.

And then... And then... just dive in.

Don't overthink it.

Susan's website has all those detailed instructions for each fruit.

Right. So you can just follow along.

I like that. It's like having a dehydrating buddy right there with you.

Exactly. And remember, you don't need any fancy equipment.

Your oven will do the trick.

At least to start. You can always upgrade to a dehydrator later.

If you get really into it.

Right. But the important thing is just to start experimenting.

And have fun.

That's key. Dehydrating should be enjoyable.

And as you go on this dehydrating journey... Remember, it's not just about the food.

It's about the whole experience.

Yeah. The connection with your food, creating something with your own hands.

And slowing down, really savoring those flavors.

It's about bringing a little bit of summer into the rest of the year.

I love that. And who knows? Maybe you'll discover a new favorite flavor combination.

You never know what you'll create.

The possibilities are endless.

So we challenge you to pick one fruit this week.

And give dehydrating a try.

Explore Susan's website, get inspired, and most importantly, have fun.

And who knows? Maybe you'll become the next dehydrating expert.

Sharing your tips and tricks with the world.

That would be awesome. Well, that brings us to the end of our deep dive into dehydrating fruit.

It's been a delicious journey.

It really has. We've learned so much.

Thanks to Susan Gast and her amazing website.

Easy Food Dehydrating is a must read for anyone interested in dehydrating.

It really is.

Thanks for joining us on this deep dive, everyone.

We'll catch you on the next episode.

Bye for now.


Thanks for listening to the Easy Food Dehydrating podcast.
Visit for much more information on how to dehydrate food and the best way to safely store it.

Head on over to our Podcast Host to see a list of all our Easy Food Dehydrating episodes... or go to our hub page on this site. Please note that for your convenience, the episodes on our site contain the Podcast transcripts, too!

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