How to Dehydrate Peaches


Susan Gast | Author and blogger at Bored Boomers, Beesville Books, A New Sober You and Easy Food Dehydrating

Welcome to how to dehydrate peaches! Dehydrated peaches are ideal for snacks, cobblers, cookies, breads, and healthy granola!

Peaches. whole and cut - in a basket

Start dehydrating peaches in your favorite dehydrator. See our Nesco and Excalibur dehydrators as examples.

Also, check out a great Allrecipes Peach Cobbler farther down the page.

But first:

Frequently Asked Questions:

Dehydrate fruit leather using peaches?

Check out our fruit leather (AKA Roll-ups) page!

How to dehydrate peaches?

Keep reading the page you're on for full deets!

What is the best fertilizer for peach trees?

Peach trees need to be fertilized regularly to produce healthy fruit. A good fertilizer for peach trees is one that is high in nitrogen and potassium.

Apply fertilizer to the soil around the tree three times per year: once in the spring, once in the summer, and once in the fall.

When do peach trees bear fruit?

Peach trees typically take 3-5 years to produce fruit. This can vary depending on the climate and the specific variety of peach trees.

What is the best way to store peaches?

Fresh peaches can be stored in a cool, dark place for up to 2 weeks. After that, they should be refrigerated.

And of course, you can dehydrate peaches so you can enjoy them year-round. Learn about storing dehydrated food here.

Peach Nutrition Info.

VITAMINS: Vitamin A and Vitamin C, followed by Vitamin K, Choline, and Folate.

MINERALS: High in Potassium, followed by Phosphorus, Magnesium, Fluoride, and Calcium.

Peaches also contain Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids too!

How to Dehydrate Peaches

NOTE: If you want to make dehydrating peaches a little easier on yourself, how about dehydrating frozen peaches? Just a thought ... Yes, I know they're already processed, i.e. 'storable', but you'll be freeing up space in your freezer!

If you want to know how to dehydrate peaches that are frozen, ignore steps 1 and 2.

  1. Wash fresh peaches, peel if desired, remove the pit, and either slice in half or cut into 1/4" slices
  2. Fresh peaches need to be pre-treated, so toss the peaches in a bowl and spray liberally with lemon juice. TIP: Use a pump top from a new unused spray bottle, pick one that fits your lemon juice bottle. Look for one that has a long enough plastic tube that'll reach the bottom of your lemon juice bottle.
  3. If you simply cut your peaches in half, place them on your food dehydrator trays with the cut-side up to prevent drips on the lower trays!
  4. Turn on your dehydrator and set the temperature between 125°F and 135°F (or per your food dehydrator's instructions).

💡 Tip: Use our Fahrenheit to Celsius converter here on our site!

  • Drying time: between 6-16 hours and they will feel pliable when dried.
  • Remember to rotate your food dehydrator trays, for even drying.

If you've got plump fresh peaches and you are cutting them in half AND you use an Excalibur Dehydrator... you're in luck!

What? How so? Sometimes we don't have enough room between trays with biggish fruit - even with sliced fruit - so when using an Excalibur dehydrator, we can remove a tray which then creates enough space.

This is one of the main reasons why I purchased a Nesco AND an Excalibur dehydrator!

With a Nesco dehydrator, you have to make the pieces fit as they don't have 'spacer' trays. Hey, maybe that's something they could invent. (Yeah, right).

UPDATE: Recently I added a new dehydrator to my Nesco and Excalibur family. It has special trays that can be adjusted simply by positioning their tray tabs to stack on top of each other. More on that in future posts. FTR, it's an Elite Gourmet EFD319 Food Dehydrator.

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Use Dehydrated Peaches in Your Favorite Recipes

Dehydrated peaches are used in a variety of ways. Eat as a snack, add to cereals or oatmeal, or use in baking.

To rehydrate dehydrated peaches, simply soak them in water for about 30 minutes.

Learn more about rehydrating dehydrated food here.

Peach Cobbler!

Treat yourself to this easy Peach Cobbler. The recipe is courtesy of

Look forward to making Peach Melba or Peach Cobbler ANY Time of the Year!

Peach Smoothie in tall glass, loose peach

Enjoy Peaches in Smoothies!

Enjoy fresh peaches in smoothies!

Do this:

  • Peel one banana
  • Wash and pit the peach
  • Add Silk-brand Light Vanilla Soy milk (1 cup)
  • Handful of ice cubes if you like a cold(er) smoothie

Blend and enjoy!

peach-laden tree

Best Growing Area for Peach Trees

The best area for growing peach trees is in a place with full sun and well-drained soil.

The trees should be spaced about 8-10 feet apart.

When planting peach trees, it’s important to plant them at the same depth they were grown in at the nursery. This will help the roots establish themselves quickly.

Any Georgia Peaches For Sale?  Yes... In Florida!

A few years ago, my husband and I and my mom went to visit Paula Deen's restaurant in Savannah, Georgia. As we toured Georgia, we did NOT see one "Georgia Peaches for Sale" sign.

It was only on our way home when we drove through the Florida panhandle that we finally saw a "Georgia Peaches for Sale" sign!

Do you think the folk in Georgia know they're so good and they were hiding them from us? :-)

Thanks for taking the time to read how to dehydrate peaches! Feel free to share this info. with your friends and neighbors!

If you have any questions at all, please contact me here.

Don't forget to grab your free Six Simple Steps eBook! It’s packed with tips for dehydrating everything from fruits and veggies to dog treats. Get it here.

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