
Let's Have *That* Food Dehydrating
Conversation - Transcript

Susan Gast, founder of Easy Food Dehydrating

by: Susan Gast / Author, Blogger at Beesville Books, Bored Boomers, and a Food Dehydrating Fanatic!

Alright, everybody. Ready for a deep dive into something fun? Always.

Today, it's all about food dehydration [at].

And you know what's really cool about this one?

What's that?

You guys sent in a whole website dedicated to it.

Oh, wow.

So think of this deep dive as, like, our crash course. Yeah.

Right, with, like, fun facts and all the little insider tips you need to dehydrate like a pro.

Love that.

So whether you're all about that, like, pantry prep life, or you, you know... Yeah. Love healthy snacks or you're just a curious foodie, like, dehydration, it's actually super rewarding.

Yeah. It is. And you know what's fascinating to me about this website in particular is that it makes it seem very approachable.


It's not just for, like, you know... Yeah. The survivalists anymore. This is for everyone.

Exactly. And it's not just your, like, grandma's beef jerky.


No offense to the grandmas out there.

Of course not.

This website, it's like stepping into a whole world... Yeah. Of dehydration possibility.

Possibilities. Yeah.

They've got it all. From, like, why your fruit leather is coming out holey. We've all been there. Right?

They have been there.

To, like, the nitty gritty of oxygen absorbers.


There's even, like, a recipe for a potato bead necklace. Did you catch that?

Now that's thinking outside the dehydrator tray.

Right. I love that. Okay. So we've established this website's very cool.

It is.

But, like, for those hearing about this for the first time, what's the deal with food dehydration? Like, why should we care?

Well, I mean, think about it. At its core, dehydration is really just removing moisture.


That's it.


I mean, this is how people have been preserving food for thousands of years way before refrigerators. True. And that's why it's so cool because you can enjoy, like, your garden fresh veggies in the middle of winter.


You can cut down on food waste. You can even be more self sufficient when it comes to your food supply.

Okay. I'm sold.


But let's be real. I'm picturing, like, a pantry full of just, like, brown crunchy things. Right. Is that all there is to it?

Not a chance.


Not a chance. This website showcases how diverse dehydration can be.


So we've got, you know, your fruits, your veggies, your herbs. Those are a given.

Yeah. Yeah.

But you can also dehydrate meats. For jerky, of course, you can make your own fruit leathers.


And get this, even seafood.


Yeah. Okay. It's amazing.

That's that's blowing my mind a little bit.

I know. Seafood. That's... It's out there.

That's really interesting. Okay. But what about our picky eaters?


Or in this case, our furry friends?

Yes. And they've got that covered too. There's a whole section on dehydrating pet food and making homemade treats. Oh, wow. So, yes, even your picky pup can get in on the action.

Okay. So we're officially intrigued, but where do we even begin?

Well, they recommend two key pieces of equipment, a dehydrator and a vacuum sealer.

Okay. And they even suggest some specific brands like Nesco and Excalibur for dehydrators.

I noticed that. They seem to really, like, those brands what is it about Nesco and Excalibur that caught their eye?

Well, they point out that Nesco is known for being super user-friendly.


So it's a great option for beginners.

Makes sense.

But if you're planning on doing, like, you know, some serious dehydrating big batches, maybe some trickier ingredients... Yeah.


Excalibur is kind of the way to go. That's like the workhorse of dehydrators.

Okay. Good to know. Yeah. So those are some things to look for when choosing a dehydrator.

What about vacuum sealers? Like, why are those so important for this whole dehydration thing?

Vacuum sealers are all about removing air. Right.

Which is a big no-no when it comes to long term food storage.


So they act like these little guardians keeping your dehydrated goodies, you know, fresh and delicious for way longer. It's like hitting the pause button on spoilage.

Got it. So we've got our dehydrator, our vacuum sealer, and my pantry shelves are already starting to look a little bare. What's next?

Time to talk storage. And this website does not mess around when it comes to storage advice.

They are big on these things called oxygen absorbers, especially if you're in it for the long haul.

Oxygen absorbers, I've seen those little packets before, but I've never really understood what they do.

Think of them like tiny sponges just soaking up any excess moisture and oxygen that could ruin your dehydrated food. They're really essential for preventing mold and extending the shelf life of all your hard work.

So they're like the superheroes of long-term food storage.

Exactly. And when it comes to containers, you've got options, you've got bins, buckets, Mylar bags, Mason jars. They even break down the pros and cons of each.


So you can choose the best fit for your needs.

This is starting to feel like a choose your own dehydration adventure. It is. So many options.

That's the beauty of it. You get to customize. Yeah. Based on your preferences and what you're dehydrating.

Okay. So we've tackled equipment.


We've tackled storage.


Like pros.

We are pros.

But at some point, we're gonna wanna actually eat this stuff.

Right? Right. It's true.

Don't tell me this website is all business and no pleasure.

Oh, they definitely bring the fun when it comes to recipes.

Okay. Good.

We're talking way beyond basic fruit leather here. They've got recipes for dehydrated soups, kale chips, even fruit roll-ups, all made from scratch.

Hold up. Did you say dehydrated soups?

You heard that right. What? And it's not as complicated as it sounds.


They make it seem very, very doable.

Okay. I am so here for this. You can really tell they put a ton of effort into making this website, like, a one-stop shop for all things dehydration.

And it's not just about the information. It's like they create a whole vibe. Yes. You know? It's like they want you to feel empowered and excited about this whole process, not intimidated by it. Totally.

It's like they're saying, hey.

Preserving food is awesome, but don't forget to have fun with it. Exactly. And that's what makes this website so refreshing. It's practical.

It's informative, but it's also fun and and encouraging.

It's like they're right there with you cheering you on every step of the way.

I love that. Okay. We've covered a lot of ground here, from the basics of dehydration to the importance of storage and even a sneak peek at their amazing recipe collection. Mhmm.

But there's so much more to uncover on this website.

We've only just scratched the surface, and trust me, there are some real gems waiting to be discovered.

Like what? Give us a little taste of those hidden gems.

Okay. So remember how we mentioned prepping for emergencies?


They don't shy away from the serious stuff. Yeah. I've got a whole section on hurricane season and how dehydration can be, like, a game changer.

Oh, yeah. That's right. It's not just about taste and convenience.

It's about, like, resilience. Exactly.

Being prepared.

And they're not all doom and gloom about it either. Yeah. They even talk about things like food shortages and inflation... Right. And how dehydration can be a way to kind of navigate those choppy waters. Yep.

It's like they're giving you, like, practical tools. Mhmm. To feel more in control. Right?

Ours to eat.

Not just relying on, like, you know, grocery store shelves that might be bare.

Absolutely. They're all about empowering you to take charge of your food regardless of what's happening in the world around you.

That makes a lot of sense.


But it made me wonder, not everyone has, like, a garden overflowing with fresh produce. Right?


So how does the website address those of us who are, shall we say, vertically challenged in the gardening department?

I love that. Vertically challenged. But you're right. Not everyone has access to that kind of bounty.


But the website emphasizes that even without a garden, you can still take advantage of sales.


Seasonal gluts at farmers' markets, you know, times when that perfect produce is practically begging to be taken home and preserved. So it's about being resourceful and, like, maximizing those moments.

Exactly. They're all about making it work. You know? Yeah. Whatever your situation. For example, they suggest using, like, a recycled greenhouse to extend your growing season if you do have a garden.

Garden. Talk about working smarter, not harder. Okay. So we've got our ingredients.

Now is dehydrating something that anyone can do, or do I need to, like, enroll in culinary school?

You can totally skip culinary school for this one. Okay.

This website breaks the process down into super clear steps. Okay.

Making it very clear that anyone can learn to dehydrate food successfully.

That's reassuring. And they're not expecting you to have, like, a bunch of fancy equipment either. I saw they even talk about using a regular oven.

Exactly. They dedicate a whole section to dehydrating in a convection oven. Oh, wow.

It's a great alternative if you're not ready to commit to a dehydrator just yet.

No. That's what I call meeting people where they're at. Right.

Speaking of which, what about blanching vegetables? Is that something they mentioned?

They do. They have a whole section explaining why blanching, especially for veggies, is so important.


And it's not just about keeping that vibrant green color.

Oh, there's more to it than that.

Way more.


Blanching helps preserve the nutrients.


So you're not just getting a pretty snack.

You're getting a nutritious one too. Yeah. It even speeds up the drying time, which is a bonus.

So it's like a win-win-win. Exactly. They really have thought of everything, haven't they? Yeah. What about visuals?


For those of us who learn best by seeing things in action... They've got you covered. The website is full of, like, really high quality photos. Great.

Showing each step from picking the right equipment to those, like, picture-perfect storage solutions.

Like, they're right there with you. Yeah. Guiding you every step of the way. Yeah. Now let's talk about actually eating these dehydrated goodies. We've covered dehydrating, storing. But what about rehydrating?

That's where things get really interesting.

It's not always as simple as just adding water.


Although that's often the first step.


For instance, they recommend rehydrating things like veggies and meats in the fridge. Okay. Keeps those bacteria from crashing the party.

Yeah. Food safety first.

Exactly. And for something like pasta, you'd wanna soak it in hot water before cooking it.

Okay. So there's a little nuance to it. It's not like one-size fits all.

Exactly. They break down the best practices for everything from, you know, fruits and veggies to meats.


Even dairy.

Wait. Dairy as in you can dehydrate cheese?

Yep. What? It's amazing what you can dehydrate these days.

That's my mind is officially blown. Okay. Okay. So we've covered dehydrating. We've covered storing. We've covered rehydrating.

You've covered it all.

Is there anything this website hasn't thought of?

Well, remember that potato bead necklace you mentioned earlier?

How could I forget? Right. It's not every day you see a recipe for, like, edible jewelry.

Exactly. And that's what I love about this website. They highlight how dehydration isn't just for food.

That's right.

You can use it for all sorts of creative projects.


They even have a whole tutorial on making that necklace.

Okay. That's just plain cool.

It just goes to show there's always something new to discover even when it comes to something like food dehydration.

I know. Right? And it's that sense of, like, playful exploration that makes this website so unique. Yeah. It's practical, but there's this element of fun and creativity waving throughout.

Like, they're saying, hey. Preserving food is important, but don't forget to have some fun with it.

Exactly. It's refreshing, you know, especially these days when everything can feel so serious. Yeah. They've managed to create this really welcoming, positive space around food and preservation.

It's like they're inviting you to their dehydration party.

Exactly. Speaking of which, I love how much they emphasize community. Yes. It's not just about presenting information.

Creating a space for connection. So true. They highlight that, like, sharing aspect. Right?

They they want you to, like, connect with other people who are on the same wavelength.


It's like a virtual gathering for anyone who's curious about preserving food.

It really does. It's like this digital homestead, right, where everybody's... Yeah. Welcome to, like, share their tips and tricks and ask questions, maybe swap recipes.

And speaking of swapping, they're all about sharing the knowledge. They even offer some, like, amazing freebies.

Oh, yeah. Like what?

Well, they have a free eBook all about drying herbs Okay.

Which is perfect for anyone just starting out.

That's awesome.

And get this, they have a whole mini-series... What?

On storing your dehydrated goodies safely.


Talk about valuable intel.

They're like, we're here to support you every step of the way. Yes. Free resources included.


It's not just about selling you something.

No. Not at all. And they actually encourage feedback. Remember that little heart icon they mentioned?

Yeah. For, like, letting them know you find the content helpful.

Yeah. It's a small thing, but it shows they genuinely care about what people think, what resonates.

I love that because it can be easy to feel like just another face online. You know? Totally. So that personal touch really stands out.

They make it feel like a two way conversation. Yeah.

Which is so rare these days. Right.

And it creates a much stronger sense of community.

And that community is thriving. They're all over social media too. Right?

Oh, yeah. They're on fire. Facebook, Pinterest, you name it. Sharing even more tips, recipes, even, like, behind the scenes peeks at their own dehydration adventures.

Oh, that's so fun.

It's inspiring, honestly.

It is. It is. Who knew you could build such a, like, fun and vibrant community around something like food dehydration?

It just goes to show you that passion is contagious when you genuinely love what you do. Yeah. And you share it with that same enthusiasm. People can't help but get on board.

So true. So true. Well, as we wrap up this deep dive, what's the one thing you hope our listeners take away from all of this?

I hope they feel inspired to give it a try. You know, food dehydration, it can enrich your life in so many ways. Like, yeah, saving money, reducing food waste, that's fantastic. But it's also about, like, discovering new flavors.


Embracing creativity in the kitchen. And, yes, even connecting with the supportive community of, like, like-minded folks.

Yes. Couldn't have said it better myself. It's not just about preserving food. It's about preserving a way of life.

Beautifully put. Who knows? This deep dive might have just sparked a lifelong passion for somebody out there.

And if it did, we wanna hear about it. If you decide to embark on your own food dehydration adventure, share your experiences with us. The good, the bad, the hopefully delicious mishaps.

Until next time, happy dehydrating.

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