Millet and Quinoa
Both Supply Healthy Nutrients!


Susan Gast | Author and blogger at Bored Boomers, Beesville Books, A New Sober You and Easy Food Dehydrating

Millet and Quinoa Pack a Powerful Nutritional Punch

Millet and quinoa are gluten-free grains and have soared in popularity recently, and for good reason. They're loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that your body needs to thrive. Plus, they're complete proteins, meaning they contain all nine essential amino acids - a rare find in plant-based foods.

Millet and quinoa also deliver a healthy dose of dietary fiber which keeps our digestive system running smoothly and our gut happy.

Millet and Quinoa in tubs, side by side

Do Millet and Quinoa Need to be Cooked Before Eating?

Both millet and quinoa need to be cooked before eating (unless you're a bird!) Cooking makes these grains easier to digest and brings out their full flavor and texture.

MILLET: The grains should be rinsed thoroughly before cooking to remove debris or dust. Toast millet in a dry pan to enhance its nutty flavor before boiling. It is typically cooked with a 2:1 water-to-millet ratio, similar to rice. Bring the water to a boil, add the millet, then simmer covered for 15-20 minutes until all liquid is absorbed. Fluff with a fork before serving.

QUINOA: It's important to rinse the grains first to remove the natural bitter coating called saponin. Saponin is a natural pesticide that protects the grain from insects and birds.

Toast the quinoa in a dry pan for 1-2 minutes to bring out its flavor. Combine the quinoa with water using a 2:1 water-to-quinoa ratio just like rice. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer covered for 15-20 minutes, until the grains become translucent and the germ separates. Fluff with a fork before serving.

For added flavor, try cooking millet and quinoa in vegetable or chicken broth. When properly cooked, millet and quinoa are eaten hot as a grain side dish, or added cold to salads. They are often made into porridge, and included in desserts.

Following those proper cooking methods above brings out their best texture and flavor.

All About Millet and Quinoa

but first... Millet

Though lesser known in North America, millet is an ancient cereal grain that has served as a foundational crop and essential nutritional source across Africa and Asia for thousands of years.

It's believed to have first been domesticated in the dry Sahel region of East Africa over 5,000 years ago. Millet grew well in arid climates with low rainfall, thriving where other staple crops like wheat and rice fell short.

Thanks to its resilience, high productivity, and versatile usage, millet quickly spread from East Africa to India, China, and the rest of Asia where it remains an essential food staple in those regions today.

China alone accounts for almost half of global millet production, using both the grain itself and its straw as livestock fodder. Millet stands as the sixth most cultivated grain globally.

Major millet varieties include pearl millet, finger millet, and proso millet, to name a few. The small yellow or white seeds, under 3mm in diameter, are packed with nutrients - and are baked into bread, mashed into porridge, malted into beer, fermented in wine, or puffed and flaked as a breakfast cereal!

It's for the Birds!

Millet also is used as animal food and birdseed thanks to its ability to grow well across a range of harsh environments - such as dry, hot, or low soil-fertility areas.

Drought resistant millet plants reach up to 10 feet high and bear grain-rich seed heads heavy enough to droop.

Budgerigars eating millet sprigs

Image by Andreas Lischka from Pixabay

As a kid I used to have a budgie* named Mickey.  I enjoyed pushing a sprig of millet through his birdcage bars... but he'd get those seeds everywhere!

Birds, like humans, like to eat millet because it is a good source of protein and other nutrients. Additionally, the small size of the grain makes it easy for the birds to eat.

*The full name for a "budgie" is budgerigar, a similar bird to a parakeet.

Millet's Nutrition Info.

VITAMINS: Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), B5 (Pantothenic Acid), B6 (Pyridoxine) and B9 (Folate). Plus Vitamin E.

MINERALS: Phosphorus, Magnesium, Copper, Zinc, Iron, and Manganese.

When cooked, millet has a fluffy texture and a mildly sweet flavor. It can be used in a variety of dishes, including pilafs, casseroles, and soups. Millet is a good choice for people who are looking for a gluten-free grain option. It is also suitable for vegans and vegetarians.

The protein content in millet is comparable to both flour and wheat.

Add Millet to Soups and Cauliflower Mash

I add millet to my soups and cauliflower mash.

I also use millet (and quinoa) in my super-tasty and delicious chicken chow dog food recipe.

I do rinse the millet in a fine sifter under running cool water before use, although it doesn't have the bitterness of quinoa.

I keep the millet in a plastic container for daily/weekly use. When it's time to refill, I scoop it out of the big plastic bags that it ships in. It's easier for me this way.

... and finally, Quinoa

Just like millet, quinoa has also been around for centuries. Quinoa's protein content is very high—between 12% to 18%!

Note: Quinoa is pronounced 'keen-wah.' 

Quinoa has become a trendy 'supergrain' in recent years, especially across North America, Europe, and Australia. It was first domesticated and cultivated in the Andean mountain regions of Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Chile thousands of years ago.

Archaeologists have traced early quinoa cultivation by the Inca Empire back to as early as 3000 BCE around Lake Titicaca basin.

The ancient Incas called quinoa the ‘mother grain’ for the way its seeds fueled and nourished their civilizations amidst harsh mountain terrain with frequent droughts, bitter cold, and rocky soil beds inhospitable to other staple grains.

In fact, in the Incan language of Quechua, ‘quinoa’ translates to ‘the sacred mother grain.’ Generations of Quechua tribe members selectively bred an array of quinoa varieties tailored to micro-climates up and down the steep Andes mountains.

However, when Spanish colonists arrived in South America, they scorned quinoa as 'peasant food' and associated it with indigenous pagan ceremonies and suppressed its usage. Only in recent decades has global appreciation surged for quinoa as a gluten-free superfood, boasting exceptional nutritional properties - thanks to (or in spite of) its ancestral mountain beginnings.

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plus Cauliflower Soup and Cauliflower Mash, along with crazy Carrot Soup!

Decadent Desserts:
Carrot Cake and Cranberry Pineapple Pie!
and more...

Fresh food ingredient amounts are included for when you have fresh food on hand.
See which recipes are included here.

Use Quinoa in a Variety of Dishes...

Quinoa can be used in a variety of dishes, including salads, soups, and casseroles. It can also be cooked and eaten as a hot cereal.

As you now know (you read this page, right?) that quinoa is also gluten-free, and that makes it easier (for many folks) to digest.

I use quinoa in my cauliflower mash as mentioned earlier and in many soups to add an excellent source of protein. Quinoa (along with millet) is also added to my "Make Your Own Dog Food" recipe and can be found here: chicken chow dog food.

Quinoa Nutrition Info.

VITAMINS: Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), B5 (Pantothenic Acid), and B9 (Folate).

and MINERALS: Manganese, Phosphorus, Copper, Iron, Zinc, and Magnesium.

PLEASE: Rinse Quinoa Before Cooking

Don't forget, you must rinse quinoa before use due to its bitter coating. I use a sieve just like the one shown in the above image.

Simply rinse the quinoa under cool water in a fine sifter. The sifter (or sieve) I use is from and is a #50 Mrs. Anderson Sieve, 9-inch diameter

Deets from Fantes:

  • Mrs. Anderson's Tamis Mesh Sifter, or Drum Sieve, for removing and breaking up clumps from ingredients before baking or cooking
  • Sift and aerate powdered ingredients, like flour, crushed spices, and confectioners' sugar, for lighter, fluffier baked goods
  • Sieve pastes and purees for smoother, creamier sauces and soups; no more lumps
  • 18/8 Stainless steel frame and 16-count fine-wire stainless mesh

This extra fine sifter can also be used to dust your baked goods with powdered sugar.

Thanks for stopping by my millet and quinoa page!

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